CSA Option 2 - Monthly Online Payments

from $94.00 every month for 5 months

Get 26 weeks of the freshest, best-tasting, most nutrient-dense vegetables!

The way this “subscription payment” option works is that the first payment is made immediately upon checkout. Then the credit/debit card you used will be charged on the same day of the month as your first payment for the next 4 months, for a total of 5 monthly payments.

When you choose your member type from the drop-down menu below, note that ONLY people in their 20s, or with a child under 29 months, qualify for the “Junior Citizen” option. Thank you!

Member Type:

Get 26 weeks of the freshest, best-tasting, most nutrient-dense vegetables!

The way this “subscription payment” option works is that the first payment is made immediately upon checkout. Then the credit/debit card you used will be charged on the same day of the month as your first payment for the next 4 months, for a total of 5 monthly payments.

When you choose your member type from the drop-down menu below, note that ONLY people in their 20s, or with a child under 29 months, qualify for the “Junior Citizen” option. Thank you!

Get 26 weeks of the freshest, best-tasting, most nutrient-dense vegetables!

The way this “subscription payment” option works is that the first payment is made immediately upon checkout. Then the credit/debit card you used will be charged on the same day of the month as your first payment for the next 4 months, for a total of 5 monthly payments.

When you choose your member type from the drop-down menu below, note that ONLY people in their 20s, or with a child under 29 months, qualify for the “Junior Citizen” option. Thank you!